Year of celebrations ends with new drama ‘Peg & Davey’
Published: 06 November 2017
The programme of celebrations to commemorate the 300th Birthday of David Garrick comes to an end this month with a fascinating finale exploring the Lichfield-bred actor’s relationship with Peg Woffington, a Dublin actress who became one of the leading ladies of the 18th century stage. ‘Peg & Davey’, written by David Titley, will be debuting at the Samuel Johnson Birthplace Museum on Saturday 18th November. The play follows the two young people as they are thrown together in the uncertain theatrical life of 1700s London - David, the naïve lad from the provinces & Peg, the Dublin girl with a wild streak - very different people but bound by talent, passion and the stage. An affair ensues with far reaching consequences, and talented local actors Robin Lewitt and Hannah Davies will be telling the tale and exploring the aftermath in virtuoso performances. Tickets cost £9 which includes a drink, with performances at 7pm and 8.30pm. call 01543 264 972 or visit the Museum reception, open 11am-3.30pm daily, to book.
For those intrigued by the tale, Dr Annette Rubery will also be talking to the Johnson Society on Sunday 19th November on ‘Lovely Peg’ at 2.30pm at Martin Heath Hall. All are welcome and entry costs £3.50, including tea and homemade cakes.